The beads are bright green and not hard to spot. 这些珠子是亮绿色的,很好认!
I do have a soft spot, well, maybe a hard spot, for straight guys. 我的确对非同性恋男子感到有点“腿软”,好吧,也许是“腿硬”。
Much of this prospecting can be hard to spot since it is often conducted through individual fixers with knowledge of the West and good connections in China. 许多的这样的探寻是难以被注意到的,因为它经常是由个体联系人执行的,这些人拥有西方的知识并在中国有良好的关系。
That still leaves a huge reservoir for recruits, but they have been hard to spot in the uprisings sweeping the Arab world. 这仍有燎原的空间,但是在阿拉伯世界的起义中很难做到。
Even in the northern states, the Big Bear is hard to spot. 甚至是在北部,大熊星座也是很难被看到的。
I think it won't be too hard to spot them. 我想发现他们不会太难的。
While the big ones are often hard to spot, because they are grammatically correct and everyone is so accustomed to them. 而高级一点的错误常常难以发觉,因为它们语法上正确,并且大家都习以为常了。
"If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth." “如果墨水渗入布料,就很难把污迹洗去。”
And he added:'I know that it is hard to have a spot. 他又说:我明白保持一个位置是很困难的。
Supporting evidence is not hard to spot in Moscow, a city where posters advertising films such as Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are plastered over socialist murals of workers carrying pickaxes. 在莫斯科寻找证据并不难&在这个城市,电影《印第安纳琼斯:水晶骷髅王国》(IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoftheCrystalSkull)的宣传海报,覆盖了绘有扛镐工人的社会主义题材壁画。
Fraud will always be hard to spot and stiff sentences are needed to stop fraudsters being treated differently from other criminals. 诈骗总是难以察觉,我们需要严厉的判决,来阻止骗子在接受审判时得到与其他罪犯不同的处罚。
It is certainly hard to spot bubbles; but central banks already grapple with other imponderables, such as the size of the output gap or the level of structural unemployment. 觉察出泡沫当然是困难的;但是中央银行已经密切关注其它非同小可的经济指标,例如经济产出差距的规模和结构性失业的水平。
And you punch him really hard in a sensitive spot. 对他敏感部位猛力一击。
Another intriguing consequence of this result is that a pair of white dwarfs is relatively hard to spot, even with the best telescopes. 这一结果带来的另一条让人感兴趣的推论是,白矮星双星相对难以探测,哪怕是使用最好的望远镜。
Between the thrift, ambition, and emotional reserve, it can be hard to spot the loveable traits in our goat, but they are there, and loyalty must be at the top of the list. 在节俭、企图心和情绪化的节俭中,很难找到摩羯座的可爱之处,但他们的确有优点,忠诚就是他们最重要的优点。
Hummingbirds can be hard to spot. 蜂鸟可能很难瞥见。
According to the so-called "Greenspan doctrine", named after Alan Greenspan, former Fed chairman, asset bubbles are hard to spot and even if they are it is easier to mop up after the bubble has burst than to try to prevent it. 以美联储前任主席艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)命名的所谓“格林斯潘教义”认为,资产泡沫很难发现,而且即便能够发现,在泡沫破灭后做扫尾工作也比试图阻止泡沫破灭更加容易。
So it is hard to spot them by eye but we can use metal detectors to help us find the others and they are easier to spot by eye. 但是我们能用探测器探测另外一种陨石,而且用这种更容易分辨出来。
Have you ever found it hard to spot the data you ′ re looking for because you couldn ′ t see the forest from the trees? 您是否发现很难辨认出正在查找的数据,就好像很难从米饭中分辨出白色的沙粒?
The complexity of accounting makes this hard for investors to spot. 会计的复杂性使得投资者难以发现其中奥妙。
These people can be hard to spot because they do make an effort. 这些人可以努力现货,因为他们作出努力。
Hard Spot and Hard Metallic Inclusion in Aluminum Die Casting Trend and extreme value of intersection of solids 铝压铸件中的硬质点及硬质金属杂质相相贯线的趋势及极值点
The article educed that the series of hard wheat futures and spot prices show their first-order difference stationary, I ( 1) process, by the unit root test. 通过单位根检验,确定硬麦期货与现货价格序列具有一阶差分平稳性即I(1)过程。
Objective To investigate the diagnosis and management of hard spot of posterior capsule in cataract patients. 目的探讨白内障患者后囊硬性斑的诊断及处理方法。
Through residual analysis and hypothesis testing, computation models of each class are obtained to compute the standard limit value of the hard spot, and the relationship between the dynamic parameters and the velocity at each class. 通过残差分析、假设检验,得到了各类数据对应的硬点超限参数标准和速度关系的数学模型。
Measuring catenary hard spot with strain acceleration transducer 应变式加速度传感器测量接触导线硬点
Qualitative Analysis of Hard Pieces and Brown Coloured Spot on Ancient Paper 出土纸张上硬结物和深褐色斑的定性分析
In practical applications, the parameters of pantograph-catenary contact pressure, impact of hard spot, height of contact wire, pull-off value, and time of off-line can be calculated totally from the measured value of sensitive spots of pantograph slide. 在实际应用中,由受电弓滑板底部敏感点的位移测试值,即可求得弓网接触压力、冲击硬点、导线高度、拉出值、离线等参数。
Pressure washer is a kind of fluid machinery which applies in hard spot cleaning application. It has been used broadly in North American and European area. 高压清洗机是一种用于清理顽固污渍的流体机械.在北美和欧洲等生活水平较高的发达地区应用广泛。
Audiences or readers will find it hard to spot these implicit relations. Due to the implicit and persuasiveness of the political speech. 这些隐含着的关系不易被听众或读者所发现,因此政治性语篇具有隐含性和说服性。